Digital textile printing brings new application opportunities to display print businesses

Today many wide-format print service providers are eager to determine potential new market opportunities, with prospects based on topical technologies that can determine how their jobs are going to be produced in the coming years. Over time we have seen ink formulations reach various levels of development, with some becoming more popular than others according to application type and end user requirement.

But, at the same time, other chemistries might have been demonstrating their potential but, while many of these seem to bring more advantages than disadvantages, they still haven’t caught on. One often-discussed area, and certainly not new within the realms covered by technologies suitable for display and retail applications, is that of digital textile printing. For many years, the term soft signage has been bundled in with other options when technologies are discussed but, while some manufacturers and end users have achieved great success, many haven’t found the process to be as immediately worthwhile as originally envisaged. Without doubt there are huge benefits to be engendered when working with fabrics both for interior and exterior applications. But no one will deny that there is a learning curve to get the best of the technology – and this is an element which needs to be understood by everyone involved from manufacturer down to display producer and print service provider.

